Just spent a few days down in the other bit of the south First we were in Stroud (not to be confused with Strood which is way on the other side of the south) where we were invited to play on Stroud FM which was quite exciting. We stopped off at my Uncle’s house and listened to the station for a bit, they were playings some pretty good country music. Here’s Sam getting prepared:
We were on at the Prince Albert, it’s always a strange rolling up to a place you’ve never played and have no idea what it’s going to be like, but so far, a chalk board is a good omen…
And we were greeted by chilli and beer, doesn’t get much better than that!
We were there early so made a few videos in the beer garden
Think it’s raining now. and the landlord may be sawing some wood in this next one.
We did one round the fire, amongst the locals. Nearly burned our asses off.
Gig was fun, drank some beer, stayed at my Uncles.
The next day we only had to go to Oxford, but due to the complications in Sam’s life we took a hundred mile detour to pick up his new records which had just arrived in London. Got to see them arrive on a fork-lift truck so it was worth it.
Got to St James Church in Oxford with plenty of time so we went for a busk. As soon as we put money in parking meter it started to rain. Happy days. Sun came out later though, here’s some graves
And here’s Sam doing an old folk song. If you can hear him over all the birds.
Dunno what he’s doing on this one but I thought it was nice so it’s here:
It was as mixed line up that night, some folk, some avant garde… And that was it, we had to drive back as Sam had to get his records to shops for record store day on Saturday. Snoop Dogg and Relentless all the way home.