Southern Leg Part 1

Our first southern show was in Folkstone so we set off early. This gave us plenty of time to hang out in roadside cafes, which are abundant on the A1. Here is a fine specimen:

Sibbington Diner

They were showing Bargain Hunt which reminded me of home

Bargain Hunt

We got to stay in a B&B! The Southcliffe Hotel. This doesn’t happen very often. Pretty good view:


We had some time before the show so we made a cup of tea then we had a play in the room. I mean a practice. Here’s a traditional song, Silver Dagger:

And this is one of Serious’s:

One the way to venue we did another:

The Chambers, Folkstone

The venue was really nice and they treated us right well. Yep, that’s a gormet steak right there.

Sam Avec Steak

The weather was good when we woke up and we had a few hours to spare

Sam with sea view

so we did another couple of songs. This is a rock n roll number

and one of mine

This is just a car


We arrived in London midday to record some songs for Imperial College student radio. It costs about a weeks rent to park round there so we went through a load of stuff as quick as we could. There is some video from it but I might wait till the recordings are ready to put them up.

Imperial College Studio

Headed over to Camden, Sam had a bit of a skate while I felt like a dad, had a beer then went to sound check at the Green Note. We’ve played here a few times and we’d sold all the tickets in advance! Good to see a few people we hadn’t seen for a while. We don’t hold it against them for moving to London. Not much…

When Sam gets lonely away from home he sleeps with a toy shark

Sam and his shark

The Brighton show was cancelled but we went down anyway as Sam’s friend had sorted us out with a last minute show nearby. We had a busk in the day then went for a quick nap on the beach.

Us ont Beach

We were playing at the Duke of Wellington in Shoreham, filmed a folk song in the beer garden before hand. It’s about a massive sheep.

Went to a rock n roll night afterwards which was just what we needed.

Had to get up early as we were playing in the afternoon in Norwich. And the south is bigger than I though. And it was the Brighton marathon.


As we had no time for breakfast (and Sam’s trying to put on weight…) we had some chicken on the way. We didn’t eat for another 10 hours after that…

Bargain Bucket

Our names in chalk

Fat Cat Brewery Tap

It’s a long way from Norwich to civilization, stopped off at a diner I’d played at before with the Lovesick Cowboys. They’re still worried about the Germans down there…


Met lots of nice people in the South but was confused by the way they served beer. Back to Leeds for a few days. Slept very well.



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