I’ve been in Paris for about the last year, I took a gamble and went with my guitar and a determination to busk for my life. Was living right in the middle in St Germain so I walked to Notre Damn every day and busked there (it was still sunny and warm for most of October). I passed an audition for a licence to play on the Metro too and did that a bit.
I kept a bit of a record of my busking for a couple of months here.
Due to a random sequence of events I ended up teaching guitar to English-speaking children and I got a weekly residency in a bar so the busking kind of faded out. Busking is great for your playing though, there’s nothing like a sold 4 hours a day of performing to push your playing and singing up a level.
Here’s the kind of thing me and Tom got up to…
I met and played with some crazy people while I was over there and I’ll miss them. And I’ll miss walking home in the sun, surrounded by beautiful buildings or at 2am when St Sulpice is lit up by the moon.
But now I’m back, it’s good to see friends and play with the people I used to. Feel good about it and going to try and play as much as I can now.